Friday, December 09, 2005

The one thought on a Friday

What can I say about today? Well, it's not much a great day actually. I realllyyyy miss him. I am patiently waiting for him to come back. But my patience is running out. Just now, he msgd telling me that his flight got delayed. Aaarrrgghhhh!!! Okk...take a deep breathh...fuhhhh

Know what? There's so much story about breakups...this and that. I am actually scared. Even people who were together for 3-4 years can face breakups. I don't want that...I pray to God to not let us go through that road. I truly love him with all my heart. I've even given my heart to him, something I am very careful in doing.

But...I am scared. Does he misses me while he's there? I wish he misses me as much as I miss him. Will he stay with me for a lifetime? I wish we'll be together even after a lifetime. Does his love for me will ever runs out? No, I want the answer to be 'No'. I cherish this moment, our moment now...but at the same time, I want this moment to last forever. Never-changing the love we have for each other.

I pray to God so that we'll be strong together and we can face the obstacles and hardships that may come in our relationship. I too hope that we can learn from one another - our strengths, our mistakes, our needs etc. And I always pray that in the end, we only need each other and that we'll be together until death do us apart.


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