A Friday In May
I have a blog fan!! Hehehe. Well, he calls himself Anonymous, but I know who he is actually. ;)
To Anonymous: You can’t escape anymore…I got ya!! Hahahha.
You know, it feels nice to have someone who really reads your blog. Maybe I haven’t had that much fan yet but I know my sis read mine because I saw the link to my blog from hers. Amin read my ToW blog at Friendster. Oh and that reminds me. I have to inform Nadiah and Nadhilah about this blog. Both of them have asked about my story updates. I guess I forgot to mention about moving the story here.
Note to self: Tell Nadiah and Nadhilah about story updates.
Today, I feel much better. Met a potential client at

I got back the computer that I sent down yesterday. I mean, the office comp. It was really slow and was frustrating me so I told the technician to format it and put in Windows XP. Now, I have a much faster computer plus I am able to chat using MSN or YM. Hehe. And I can now install anything that I want like Adobe or whatever. But yeah, when I have no work, all I do is chat, checking Friendster, downloading and blogging.
However, currently I have much work to do. So I took the full advantage to log in the Internet when I have no work due. Man, I am so addicted to the Internet. Wonder why…hmmm…. Ahaks!
Oh, my grandmother from my mom’s side is here. She often comes down to KL anyway. But she’s here now because our big family has a wedding coming up. Just got back from there actually. My Dad and I went there straight from the office. Supposedly it’s the daughter of my mom’s auntie or cousin or somewhat.
I helped where needed and observed the crowd (I like to do that often huh). Women on one corner gossiping and sharing old time stories while the men talked about recent stuff as well as their own complications in health (if there is). It was really fascinating watching the scene. Oh, and my grandma was hinting me and you know how you go to people’s wedding for that 'berkat kahwin' (uh oh!).
Man, you know what? Talking about the big family, I miss Johor. I mean, JB (to all none Johorians out there). Seriously, I have been quite attached to Johor since I was small. I even went to UTM for a year! I miss my favourite aunt who just gotten engaged last Saturday. I didn’t go to the ceremony because my parents were not home due to Umrah. But I met her boyfriend before the engagement, when I did a round trip to JB. She asked me what I thought of her guy and I simply approved! Hehehe. I seriously think they compliment each other and it was so cute seeing them together. The guy is much better than her last bf.
Cik Mal, happy engagement! Hehe. Hope you and Amri will stand through all the bumps on the road! I like seeing you two! Wish I have one who will make me happy and is as nice, caring and sweet as you fiancé. Pray for me k! (Mama dah sibuk2 nak tau who is my bf…pdhal takde pon. Suruh Nor la kahwin dulu…dia yg ader bf).
That's my Friday so far. I guess what makes this not like my other Friday is because I did not go out to Bangsar Seafood. Yeah...they called to pick me up. But for once, this time, I skipped. Well, no crime in that. So, I'm off for now. ChOwWWzZZzaAAaa!!!
3 Comment:
who am i?
i'm spidermaaannn
gile menggelabah aku nih
weyy..mane bole. Spider is my name..serious tau (dlm teater). heheheheh dh takleh amik dh...=P
eh ape gossip terbaru kumpulan spider skang ha? (xde kaitaaan)
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