Blog..oh Blog...
Man, I never knew that blogs could help me in some way. I recently knew some people's thoughts that I never knew about. Reading others' blogs, you could uncover all the dark and dirty secrets they have. Gosh, I really had no clue that in my family, there are many conflicts. I mean, I know some that are just on the surface before but now, I know that some problems are affecting few persons in my family. Here, my family means the Big Family, including cousins and the rest of them.
In my case, I do write about my feelings here and there (since I have two blogs). However, at this moment of time, I'm a bit secretive on my private life. I don't know why. Maybe it was because of my past experiences that if I tell it to the world, it would not happen. So, you got to wait until the good things are confirmed, then only I open up. But I don't know until when I'lll be keeping it shut. And about the past, I'd rather put behind. Some have really hurt me a lot and it's better to just forget about it. To this date, I know I am still not a great person. I always make mistakes. Yeah...I'm human.
Anyway, went to a family wedding just now. All of our relatives were there. It was a big gathering! And even that, there are still some who can't make it. Imagine if ALL were gathered together! Here's the pix of the wedding just now and last night's majlis nikah. I'm kinda beat and full,so til next time. ChOWwWzzZzaAAa!!

5 Comment:
blog oh blog...
ayunye 'pengantin'
'Pengantin' tuh sape? ;) Ahaks!
pengantin tuu..err...ory yg kawen tu laa...sape lagikk..x paham..x pahaaammm
Ahahahhahah ke....
baiklaaahhh...phm2... best jerk..
rugi yer x g sane..
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