Saturday, June 25, 2005

AF3 - Pengundi yang tak bijak

I am sooo UPSET! Why? I can't believe that Idayu was out! It was like Rosma's episode. Idayu was the best among the students and other voters was just blind to see that. Or are they just looking for pretty nice figure singer? This is just absurd. I was sooo close to not watching AF again, but I have to support another person, Yazer. And if he's out, no way I am gonna watch AF3 again. This is not fair. Truly unfair.

I was rooting for Idayu, Yazer and Marsha to be in the finals. Look what happened. Voters throw Idayu out! Oh, and if you guys were wondering whether I voted for my faves (Idayu and Yazer), no more questioning. I voted okay! Alright2...don't talk to me. I have no mood at all.

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