Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I'm at home. This is the last week of my long looong holiday. And boredom is starting to get me. Seriously, I am so bored at home. All I do is online, watch TV, eat/drink, online again, watch TV again...etc etc. Typical routine day huh?

At times, if I'm lucky enough, the guys call up to hang out. But since now is the time everybody head back to studying, lepaking has become rare. Except for weekends I guess. Even if we hang out at mamak in the evening, there's not much to talk about. Just enjoy big laughs together.

I'm prepared to go through a week to and fro from house to classes. Naf and Crip will be the ones helping me out in sending to komuter and taking me back from there. Except I may have to stay two nights at UKM. Maybe I'll ask Shidot if she's willing to have me over for two nights a week. Hopefully can.

Okk, actually I'm pretty sleepy. Gotta dash off. ChOwWwZZzaaAAaa!!

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