Did you ever thought that it's easier being single than being in a relationship? Did you ever wish to be single again? I think most guys think this way. Some even say that being single is better than being attached! Is it true? To say if I have ever thought of it, I don't quite remember. If there is, I think they're countable. I am happy in my relationship now, I feel blessed. Yes, they are times we fought, but I still love him no matter what.
I often questioned things. This and that. I asked my bf his opinion on why guys like their gf 'manja'. He didn't answer but said that it's my homework to do. After some thoughts, I came to the answers. I think guys like their gf manja and such because it makes them feel needed. It makes them feel they have the power to protect their girl. How about that? Am I right?
I apologize if my posts lately have all been on the aspects of love or my love life. I guess it's because I am rarely at home, and all of my time are devoted to studies and my bf. Being in one place with your bf is one of the perks in a relationship. You see your bf almost everyday (in my case, everyday). But what if you cannot see each other as often after that? Trust me, it's hard. I've been there, done that. 5 days apart and we're already missing the presence of one another. 2 weeks apart can make us crazy!
Oh well. Love huh? People say when you are in love, everything seems beautiful. And when you're married, those things are lost. Is it really like that? I hope not. Because, like most women, they want the love sparks to always exist even when they are old. But...it's what everybody says...love would not be the same after marriage....
I guess I better off now. See you guys next post. ChOwWWwzZZzaAAAaa!!!
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